Ready is a myth
Ready is a myth.
It makes me wince so hard when I think back to younger me not travelling, or staying in a job I felt MISERABLE in because...
Why? I didn't feel 'ready?'
Maybe I thought something would get better magically.
*winces hard*
I mean, we all know that that when we commit and do the thing, it feels freaking empowering, right?! But tell that to the Me who is smack bang in the middle of suck.
Aaand it's not just me - hi, do you relate?
Have you been putting off doing the Thing because you don't FEEL ready?
Waiting until we feel ready is what holds us back from being who we are meant to be.
Waiting is a sucker of time and energy and your magic.
Wanna know the magic pill?
If you want something - act before you *feel* ready.
'Cos I tell ya - when you hit the decide button and go "Screw it! I'm gonna do it even though I don't feel ready!" - that's when magic happens!
Wincing begone!
Because *that's* when you level the heck up, my friend!
That's when you become unstoppable.
*steps off soapbox*