Ten Tips: What Every Ambitious Entrepreneur Needs to Stand Out and Elevate Their Brand
Today's world feels intense: It seems like there is more competition in your industry than ever before. So how the heck do you cut through the noise and help your ideal clients choose you?
I hear you. I used to feel super awkward about marketing and showing up in photos. But then I heard this hot take that changed the way I thought about this—and now I help other creatives and business owners level up their personal brand: It's not about YOU—it's about helping those who would truly benefit from working with you.
Here are ten tips you can use to help people choose to do business with you.
1. First Impressions Matter
They say you can't judge a book by its cover—but you and I both know the cover makes a humongous difference between a New York Times Bestseller and the 50c bargain bin.
Do you want to be the 50c bargain bin that nobody wants? Ouch. No. Jeez.
We're not stupid—we know that potential clients will almost always make quick judgments based on visuals.
Psychologists have studied this extensively, and noted that initial impressions are made within milliseconds. Not only that, but those lightning-speed judgments are darn near impossible to change once formed.
There's this innate human trait called the Halo Effect which essentially means our overall impression of someone influences how we perceive them as a whole. For example, if we feel a positive response from their appearance, we might get a sense they are trustworthy, or approachable, etc. The more often our 'halo effect' is seen to be consistently reinforced, the more likely people will make those positive links between you and your brand.
Why is this? Well, we humans are highly visual creatures—it started as a survival thing, where we evolved to make these snap calls as a matter of life or death.
This might feel unfair, but there are ways we can use this cognitive bias to our advantage. Read on!
Photos by Tabitha Arthur Photography
2. Show Up Online
Having a strong online presence with high-quality visuals can attract more followers and engagement. Not only are you making your website, social media, and other platforms more appealing—you are also reinforcing your professionalism and helping those who see you develop more trust in you and what you do.
3. Consistency Across Platforms
When we see a mish-mash of styles and design, we feel skeptical about a brand. The lack of cohesion gives us a sense of that person not having it together—and how can they help me if they haven't even got it sorted for themselves?
To avoid making this mistake, having a collection of consistent and professional imagery helps to reinforce your brand image, develop trust with your audience and potential leads, and also create a recognizable brand.
Photos by Tabitha Arthur Photography
4. Increase Brand Awareness
Think of McDonald's. No matter where you travel, when you see those golden arches, you know you can grab fries, a Coke, a Big Mac. As a small one-person business, you don't have the mega-resources of a whopping great international brand—but there are smart things you can do to build your brand awareness.
One of the easiest and strongest ways for a solopreneur to do this is with professional photos across all your marketing materials, including social media, website, newsletters, and ads.
5. Perception: Authority and Expertise
In my first tip, I shared why first impressions matter—now you can build on this concept to set yourself apart as a leader and expert in your field. One of the biggest ways you can help influence how people perceive your authority, credibility, and expertise is through using professional photos of you.
6. Media Stories and PR Opportunities
You may have noticed that the media is way more likely to run a story when the journalist is supplied with high-quality images. Use this as an opportunity to get articles, success stories, or case studies covered by media when you provide them with professional photos. You're helping make their outlet look good when they run pieces that have great photos with them.
People find great local, national, and international success with media coverage when they supply their photos from a professional photoshoot.
Photos by Tabitha Arthur Photography
7. Storytelling
Your photos have the power to convey your personality, values, the story of your business, and more—making you more relatable and memorable. Especially when you work strategically to create photos designed to attract your target audience.
8. Attracting Clients and Business Opportunities
A strong personal brand that has professional photos is more able to attract more ideal clients and business opportunities. This is in part due to appearing more professional, holding greater authority, and showing up as the top expert in their industry.
One of the benefits of this is that people are far more willing to waitlist to work with you, and pay more for your services, as you are presented yourself so professionally. Your future clients will have greater trust and loyalty due to your professional personal brand visuals—seeing you consistently across your channels, and knowing that you are the very best for their needs.
9. Differentiation from Competitors
You have probably noticed that there are loads of brands who rely on low-quality or generic imagery—even AI imagery—in their social posts or websites. The problem with this is their brand presence has a sameness, a generic or low-quality feel to it.
Once you step into using professional photos of you, created for you, you'll be highlighting what makes you different, and telling your unique and authentic story.
10. Boosting Confidence
A little-known mega benefit from having photos taken with a professional expert in personal branding is just how exponentially your confidence will be boosted! You will feel and see how professional and next-level you appear. Your hard work in building your business will be reflected back to you in a positive professional personal branding photo experience.
This has an irreplaceable ripple effect out into your client interactions, presentations, and how you feel about yourself and your business.
Photos by Tabitha Arthur Photography
Today, everything is so fast, and first impressions are made in milliseconds—having a strong, professional personal brand is essential to help you stand out.
It's not just about looking good—professional photos are a powerful tool for building trust, establishing authority, and attracting your ideal clients. With your bank of photos, you'll be able to enhance your online presence, ensure consistency across platforms, increase your brand awareness, leverage media opportunities, and more. Your high-quality photos play a crucial role in your business success.
By investing in professional photography, you're not only elevating your brand and positioning yourself as a leader in your industry—you're also benefiting from the boosts to your confidence. And while this is all fantastic for you and the health of your business, it's not just about you; the real gold is how you can better serve those who would truly benefit from working with you.
Taking the step to level up your personal brand and letting your professional photos speak volumes about who you are and what you offer will be a game changer for you, your business, and your clients.
Ready to elevate your brand with stunning professional photos? Get in touch with me today to start your journey to a stronger personal brand!