To have a generic headshot versus AI image versus a personality-filled authentic photo?
Katie confided in me yesterday “My current headshot makes me cringe every time I see it” She inhaled “I actually avoid opportunities, like this interview I have coming up, I was going to say No, and then…”
Katie’s planning to finally get a bank of photos of her that she doesn’t cringe over - that she will feel proud of. So she can elevate your professional presence.
But why doesn’t Katie just get a couple of generic headshots? Surely that would solve her problem?
Fair question - but she’s tried. Twice, in fact.
And both times she felt rushed and she didn’t feel the photos looked like her.
Walking in and having just 5 minutes in front of the camera isn’t setting anyone up for success. Most people are hecking NERVOUS, so five - even ten minutes just isn’t enough time to relax or build trust or feel safe to be in front of the camera.
And a generic headshot - “stand like this, smile, click” isn’t bring forth your unique personality.
“Smile” isn’t going to bring you a genuine smile - at best it’s gonna bring out your best Wallace & Grommet impersonation.
These generic, quick headshot sessions just feel… cheap, rushed, a little dirty (and not in a good way).
”Wam, bam, thank you - next”.
* Shudder *
Personality-filled headshots by expert Wellington-based photographer Tabitha Arthur
In this new age where AI is starting to creep in from all sides, we can smell fake. We feel cheated - hollow - when we realise we’re being interacted with by AI, such as on social media. I mean - it’s really taking the ‘social’ out of it..!
And when it comes to fake AI images, that’s weird. It’s freaky. It’s so removed from us, it chips away at our sense of self. You see, we know it’s not us; we weren’t there having our photo taken. It’s a fake version of us - often a flattering version of not-really-us. There’s a sense of dead-behind-the-eyes - and there’s a deep sense of us knowing “that isn’t really me”.
I know I would rather have a hecking amazing photo taken of me, knowing it was me in front of that camera - that incredible self-confidence boost is irreplaceable.
“Confidence” is one of the most-often used words in my client testimonials and 5-star Google reviews (not-so-humble brag!)
I love this so much!
Imagine feeling CONFIDENT when leaving your photoshoot - plus a bonus of having photos of you that you actually like - even LOVE.
This is the environment I believe is vital to helping you to get authentic, personality-filled headshots.
Check out this warm, uplifting photo studio in Wellington, New Zealand <<< This is where my clients get the best photos they’ve ever seen of themselves.
For your next professional photoshoot, my biggest tip is to find a photographer who takes the time to guide and coach you every step of the way through, so you end up with photos you absolutely love and feel proud to put out there in the world.